Terms and Conditions


    By entering and using this website, whose domain name

    www.2r-autuutoshop.com.mx, you (the user) is accepting the terms and conditions described below and expressly declare their acceptance, using electronic means, in terms of the provisions of Article 1803 of the Federal Civil Code . If the user does not accept absolutely the present terms and conditions, he must refrain from using and see the page.

    The simple use or access to the website mentioned either to any of the subpages and leagues contained therein, gives it the user status (hereinafter referred to as the "user" or the "users") and implies acceptance, full and unconditional, of each and every one of the general and particular conditions included in these terms of use in the published version at the time the user accesses the website, regardless of whether it registers a data or not. At any time, these Terms of Use may be modified, being the exclusive responsibility of the user to ensure that they become aware of such modifications.

    The user agrees that the use of www.2r-autuutoshop.com.mx will be subject to the following: the user can only print and / or copy any information contained or published at www.2r-autuutoshop.com.mx exclusively For your personal, non-commercial use. In case of being a moral person, it will be provided by article 148, fraction IV of the Federal Law of Copyright. Reprint, publication, distribution, allocation, sublicenciation, sale, electronic reproduction or by any other means of any information, document or graph of or that appears at www.2r-autuutoshop.com.mx in all or in part, for any use Different to the staff is expressly forbidden to the user.

    The information, concepts and opinions published at www.2r-autuutoshop.com.mx are property ofwww.2R-AutuShop.com.mx. www. 2R-Autuutoshop.com.mx is not responsible for the consequences that can be derived from the use of the page included on the website, in the understanding that it is under the own risk and responsibility of the user the use and follow-up to those Tips, comments, procedures, installation manuals, diagrams, tips, etc., which are given in the spaces referred.

    www.2r-autuutoshop.com.mx reserves the right to block access or stir partially or total, all information, communication or material that at its exclusive judgment may result in: (i) abusive, defamatory or obscene, (II ) Fraudulent, artificial or deceptive, (iii) Violation of copyright, brands or any intellectual property rights of a third party, (iv) offensive or (V) in any way contravene the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. If the user wishes more information on a specific topic provided by www.2r-autoshop.com.mx or suppliers, the user should consult it directly with each of them, as appropriate and / or with a specialist in the field.

    No action or use of devices, robots, software or other means tending to interfere with both the activities and operators of www.2r-autoshop.com.mx, accounts or databases of www.2r-autoshop.com. MX Any intromise, attempt or violatory activity or contrary to the laws of intellectual property law and / or the prohibitions stipulated in this contract will make it possible to its responsible for the relevant legal actions, and the sanctions provided for by this Agreement, as well as it will be responsible to indemnify the damages caused.



    All published prices are updated and include VAT and other taxes that may correspond to them. However, prices do not include the expenses corresponding to the shipment, unless it indicates it by promotion. Shipping costs are paid together with the value of the product prior to its shipment, directly and exclusivelywww.2r-autuutoshop.com..mx. 

    W.ww.2r-autoshop.com..mx. Reserves the right to change prices at any time.



    www.2r-autoshop.com.mx informs users that the number of units available on each of the products for sale is of an estimative nature. In no casewww.2r-autuutoshop.com.. MX will intentionally sell more units than they are in warehouse, however for the high logistical degree and causes difficultly controllable by www.2r-autuutoshop.com.mx, such as human errors or incidents in the Computer systems, it is possible that the amount offered varies. For the supposed case in which the product is not available after the payment has been made, the user will be informed by email with a series of options which are described below:

    1. a) If the purchase consists of a single product: Wait for it to be sent to be sent (Back Order).
    2. b) Request a product change for a different or similar characteristics.
    3. c) If the purchase is by two or more products: Request that the available products are sent and in a second shipment the rest.
    4. d) Request reimbursement.


    * Reimbursement only applies if the product has not yet been sent.


    Shipping and deliveries

    www.2r-autoshop.com.mx is committed to delivering the product in perfect condition in the address that the user provides us at the time of registering or purchased as a guest. In order to optimize the delivery, we thank the user to indicate an address in which the order can be delivered within a usual working hours, that is, between 9:00 hrs and 18:00 hrs, from Monday to Friday.

    www.2r-autuutoshop.com.mx will not be responsible for the errors caused by delivery when the address provided by the user does not exist, or important data have been omitted for delivery. www.2r-autoshop.com.mx Reports that if the package is voluminous, it will be divided into several delivery guides.

    The delivery time for services is two to seven working days throughout the Mexican Republic and varies depending on the place. . These deadlines are average, therefore it is only an estimate and not a compliance guarantee, so it is possible that deadlines vary by logistic or fortuitous case or force majeure. www.2r-autoshop.com.mx is not responsible for the delays of the courier company. Deliveries are considered made from the moment in which the transport company puts the product at the user's home and not necessarily delivered to the person who made the purchase. This process materializes through the control system used by the transport company.

    In the same email in which the user is informed of his purchase confirmation, his tracking code will be provided along with the type of service, service provider, as well as a messaging contact number for any inconvenience that the user You want to clarify.

    If at the time of delivery, the user is absent, the carrier will leave a proof indicating how to proceed to specify the new delivery, usually a new delivery attempt is made the next day, the third attempt is sent to a branch so that The client picks up it within a period not greater than 7 days. After that period if the package is not claimed by the user will be returned to our warehouse and the user will be responsible for the expenses generated.

    If the reason why the package has not been delivered is by loss, the transport company will initiate an investigation, in these cases, the response periods tend to range between one and three weeks.

    Diligence of delivery. The user under the very and exclusive responsibility of him must check the good condition of the package before the carrier in case of any anomaly should notify the operator and the transport company. If once the product is reviewed, the user detected any incidence such as blows, breakage, indications of having been opened or any damage caused by the shipment, it is committed to communicating it to www.2rautoshop.com by email within 24 hours to the delivery as well as the transport company.



    All published prices are net and include VAT, the invoice must be requested at the time of your purchase or the next natural day. By provision of SAT, the invoices are electronic and will be sent by email.

    Invoice may not be requested after the second day of having made your purchase. www.2r-autoshop.com.mx invoice under the name 2 Roal Global Commerce S. de R.L. of C.V.

    If you have doubts you can write us to the mail: sales@2rautoshop.com
    Or call us at our sales center and call at (55) 74619983. We are also available by whatsapp or by calling the cell phone 5574619983

    We are at your service from 9 am to 7 pm